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All About Christ HQ Jurisdiction is a place were pastors can come and recieve help to take there ministr to the next level. We do this though ministries like what is found below and monhty fellowship meetings and departments that help churches grown and develop with ministry of excellance, and kingdom building.

Services " With Pastor's In Mind"

Pastors Insitute & Symposisum


The 7th Jurisdiction has develope to ministries that will address the needs of the local pastor today.

And help him or her address the issues and chalenges that pastors face today.  The pastors Insitute is for new churches between the stages of new church plant and after four years, This help the pastors to focus were they are at in ministry and to keep focus on this that need to be foucus on durring this time.


The Pastors Smposium is for Pastors and church who have been thorough the growning pains of a new ministry and have an extablished church but are looking for was to break though bearers that nay stop deveopment and church growth.


Also in church finiance and devoplment and fundraing effectivly in todas generation and how to market and draw a certian demographic that is in your comunity and develope a Community Development department in your church.

Pastor's Crisis Fund & Church Development Fund


The 7th Jurisdiction has develope a minsitry function that will help pastors in need fanicialy when issue come up that either they were not expecting or need help in the deveopment of a church in rential properties or church buing programs.


The Pastoral Crisis Fund is just as the name say's to help a pastor in need when a unexpected crisis has come up we do this two ways on is a Diocese Call meeting were we rally the pastors around to help a fellow pastor. The other way is a direct diburment of funds to the local church which comes from the Pastors Crisis Fund.


The Church Devopment Fund is to assit the local pastor with rential of a building or to help with a down payment of a building for purchase.  The Church has to meet the requirments that are lain out for appoval before any diburtsment can be made.



7th Jurisdiction Leadereship Conference & Annual Convocation


The 7th Jurisdiction is a progressive, and moving forward type of ministry were we enjoy fellowship with each member church and really love to establish a working relationship with every pastor in the Jurisdiction. We do this though various functions and events thoughout the year as follows.


7th Jurisdictional Leadership Conference

This is were we highligh and help every pastor and every leader that is in ministry and those that are a support to the local church and the pastor. 


Annual Jurisdiction Convocation

Annual Jurisdiction Women Conferance

Annual Youth & Young Adult Conf

Annual Singles Conference

Montly Jurisdictional Fellowship meetings


     Ivory Denise McCray/ Jurisdictional First Lady

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